Maison De Beers

The new High Jewelry collection "Lotus" was presented to the press in a setting that recreated a zen-inspired landscape featuring the lotus flower, which also inspired the pieces on display. Referencing the sky, the earth and water and reminiscent of a Japanese print, the architectural space, combined with short films, provided a setting that conjured up the life cycle of a specific natural environment and the values that are so highly prized in Asian culture.

  • Client : 
    De Beers
  • Location : 
  • Category : 
    Press day
Conception, design & integration
Photographic & video credits
Showreel Artistic Direction: Benoît Robert - Showreel Post production @hrcls: Christopher Thiery, Benoit Dunaigre, Yann Dubois, Louise Trojani - Showreel Music: Tim Paris - Photographs: Jean-Pierre Llopis, Romain Bourven, Philippe Barbosa, Marc Ausset, Nikolaz le Coq, Valenton Le cron, Virgile Guinard